Monday, September 17, 2012

102-mile Bike Ride Nutrition Review

Saturday night Daniel and I went to The Rack. I knew they had sushi so I agreed to go. I ended up eating 6 sushi rolls, edamame, 2 hot wings, and a few cheesy nachos with chicken. I know hot wings and cheesy nachos are not a good idea. I'm a sucker for finger foods and I love spicy foods. I was only going to have one hot wing to try them, but they were so good I had another. Thankfully the sushi came out so I could munch on something else. I also drank about 3 glasses of water.

This is what I had Sunday:

4:30 AM - 2 cups of Multigrain Cheerios with 1 cup of Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened Vanilla almond milk. I normally eat the Peanut Butter Cheerios, but I was was trying to be a little healthier and go with the less sugary stuff. What can I say? I've gone peanut butter and I'm not going back!

6:00 AM - just before taking off on the bike - 2 Powerbar Oatmeal Raisin Bites. These things are so good. I know you can easily make them yourself, but I am not a baker. I probably need as much training cooking and baking as I do for the Ironman triathlon. I can do, it just takes me forever.

6:00 AM – 11:30 AM (during the ride) – I tried to take a sip of my Infinit concoction (16 oz. of gatorade, 2 scoops of Infinit nutrition powder, and 1 scoop of BSN Amino-X) every 30 min.  I also took a sip of water every mile.  I went through 84 oz of water in the 5 hrs and 15 min I was on my bike.   

  • :45 into the ride I had half a Bonk Breaker Almond Butter & Honey
  • 1:30 I ate the other half
  • 2:15 into the ride I ate a whole Honey Stinger Waffle Strawberry
  • 3:00 I ate half of a Bonk Breaker Peanut Butter & Jelly
  • 3:45 ate the other half
  • 4:30 ate a Honey Stinger Waffle Vanilla

I didn’t have any stomach issues with any of the above.  A major plus.  I did have a little bit of an issue with the Almond Butter & Honey Bonk Breaker.  It was too dry to get down easily.  The PB & J Bonk Breaker was awesome.  It tasted delicious and was moist enough to swallow easily but not too gooey to where it stuck to my everything in my mouth.  The Honey Stinger Waffles were the same.  Those were even easier to get down because there wasn’t as much to chew.  The only thing that had any caffeine in it was the Infinit mix.  I don’t know how much caffeine is in the two scoops because it doesn’t say anywhere on the packaging.  I’m assuming it can’t be that much.  I was exhausted at the end of the ride.  I was full, but exhausted.  I bought some MiO energy to add to the mix for the next ride.  This has caffeine in it and will add flavor to the mix so I don’t have to use Gatorade and chance having issues with too much sugar.  I think this will be a win.  I’ll confirm or deny this next week.  I didn’t run after the ride so I couldn’t test the full effects of everything. 

Overall:  I think I took in enough calories (in – 1013; burned – 1,582), but not enough caffeine.  This is the first ride over 20 miles that I have not taken a gel and this is also the first ride that I’ve taken in more than 100 calories every hour.  I felt more tired after this ride than I have any of the others, except for the 100 miler out at hilly San Antonio.  Saturday’s workout was a 13 mile run, .75 mile swim, 20 mile bike, and ended with another 7 mile run.  I know that this had something to do with me being tired as well.  But, the tired I felt was more like I needed to take a nap immediately, like a just-ate-Thanksgiving-dinner need to take a nap feeling.  I didn’t even want to run 2 miles after the bike (when I had originally planned for 8) because I all I could think about was going home and sleeping.  In fact, I only made it about 3/4 of the way home before I started dozing off.  So, next time, I think I’m going to try and take in the same or about 100 less calories, definitely no more, and add the MiO and a couple of gels.       

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