Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Can Barely Lift My Arms

Since B2B I've been focusing a lot more attention on strength training.  Monday and Wednesday I do yoga; Tuesday is a tempo run, Thursday is speed work, and either Saturday or Sunday is the long run.  These activities don't take longer than about an hour except for the long run on the weekend.  So, I have a lot more time to put back into lifting weights.  I did chest, tris and abs today and now I can barely lift my arms.  In fact, my arms were shaking before I was even done with my session. 

Here's what I did today at the gym:

  • 15 min warm up on elliptical
  • chest press:
    • set 1 - bar + 10 lbs each side, 12 reps
    • set 2 - bar + 12.5 lbs each side, 10 reps
    • set 3 - bar + 15 lbs each side, 8 reps
    • set 4 - bar + 10 lbs each side, 12 reps
  • dips with the assisted machine:
    • set 1 - no assistance, 7 reps - I barely made it back up on the 7th
    • set 2 - 4 - 10 lb assistance, 8 reps
  • circuit, 3 sets each (my arms started during the 2nd set):
    • chest press on bench with (2) 20 lbs free weights, 12 reps
    • chest fly on bench with (2) 15 lbs free weights, 12 reps
    • 12 push ups, slow  -- On the 3rd set, I failed at rep 7.  I stayed in plank for about 10 seconds and tried to continue but failed again at rep 9.  I figured I was good on this, so I moved on.
  • circuit, 3 sets each:
    • front shoulder raises, (2) 8 lbs free weights, 8 reps
    • side shoulder raises, (2) 8 lbs free weights, 8 reps
    • bent over tri extension, (2) 10 lbs free weights, 12 reps
  • abs, 3 sets each:
    • crunches on medium sized ball with feet at 90 degree angle on the wall; 1 set = 12 regular crunches, 12 side crunches with right elbow touching left knee, 12 side crunches with left elbow touching right knee
    • 12 toe touches with feet in the air, 12 toe touches with knees bent 90 degrees = 1 set
    • reverse crunch then windshield wipers = 1 rep, 8 reps per set
  • 15 minute stretch

My body is definitely not used to all this.  I did weights when I was training for the tri, but it was never a focused workout where I worked on 2 or 3 main areas for an hour +.  Let's see how I feel tomorrow.  Hopefully I won't feel so sore that I can't even brush my hair!

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